About Us
Learn how a dream in France made it across the world and make the incredible flickering light experience accessible to everyone.
Two Hypnosis Professionals Join Forces

Meet Kevin and Brice . . .
Kevin Finel and Brice Battung have been working together for several years in one of the largest hypnosis schools in France and French-speaking countries, called ARCHE (Academy of Research and Knowledge in Ericksonian Hypnosis).
This training center was founded by Kevin more than 20 years ago, and Brice, a health professional, runs the medical center there.
The Dream Machine adventure began in 2019, driven by big dreams shared by Kevin and Brice and a solid friendship.
Dozens of prototypes after . . .
For the project to come to life, Kevin and Brice had to acquire new technical skills and work together with the ARCHE Cognitive Science Research Center to come up with a innovative technology that is currently patent pending.
An incredible design was made by designer Alix Videlier and an extraordinary KickStarter campaign conducted in 2021 supported by a large community (mainly in France) allowed the DreamMachine project to emerge.
The Dream Machine is born

Kevin and Brice's dream was to make the incredible flickering light experience accessible to everyone. Their desire was to share these memorable introspective experiences with others in order to improve their quality of life, without effort and without training.
The DreamMachine was born in 2022, offering the unique and accessible opportunity to explore your consciousness from home. Today, there are a few thousand Dreamers who regularly explore their own inner world, and the adventure has only just begun for the team at DreamMachine Technology.
Every day more people take home a Dream Machine and begin to awaken the dream within themselves.

Effective Results
They desired a powerful light that was effective.

In contrast to other much more expensive versions of hypnagogic lamps, they desired to make a lamp that could be affordable enough for home use.

Easy to Use
They wanted to create a lamp that could be operated easily on an app (phone or iPad).
The Dream Machine Reaches New Frontiers
In 2023, Allison Pelissier discovered the Dream Machine. As a long-time light enthusiast, Light Guide, Official Trainer and Distributor for other photostimulation technologies, Allison was immediately intrigued by the new invention.
The Dream Machine met all of Allison’s expectations and more. The team was conscious, innovative, curious, humble and most of all, inspired to share a product that could change the world.
Currently Allison and her International team are the Exclusive US and Canadian Distributors for the DreamMachine, with desire to spread this incredible technology across the world.
Allison and her team have created the online Community of “Awakened Dreamers” for the DreamMachine and they offer workshops, retreats, immersive sessions, trainings and activations around the world.
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